To flatten terrain by brush tool, use Brush Flatten command
You have following possibilities to launch Brush Flatten command:
- From Modeling drop down menu select Brush Flatten
- Using icon from the toolbar

Unlike relax the flatten command flattens the surface out. When Brush Flatten command is launched the Brush Flatten dialog is opened where you can set brush properties.

Radius – set the appropriate brush radius.
Strength – set intensity of relax tool. The value close to 0 means a weak intensity, value 1 represents maximum of strength.
Fine flatten – Activate this checkbox to calculate each point only from the neighbouring points so the flattening is not so noticeable. If the check box is switched off, flattening is calculated from all points of brush size.
Pick discrete places in terrain or drag the cursor across areas which need flattening of surface.
To finish the Brush Flatten command press Enter or Esc key.
Too large flatten circles can cause performance problems and delayed response of the program.